Corporate Yoga Instructor

Our corporate in-person yoga sessions are crafted to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants. Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, our classes are tailored to suit your level and support your progress. Our skilled instructors are dedicated to bringing the benefits of yoga to your workplace, fostering a tranquil and revitalizing experience for everyone involved.

Our Yoga Classes in Jacksonville, NC

  • 30 Minute In-Person Meditation

    Perfect for decreasing anxiety and stress while improving focus and attention.

    $120 for 1-3 people
    $180 for 3-6 people

    Have more than 6 participants? Send us a message and we’ll help make it happen.

  • 60 Minute In-Person Yoga

    Ideal for improving flexibility and strength while deeply relaxing the mind.

    $150 for 1-3 participants
    $210 for 3-6 participants

    Have more than 6 participants? Send us a message and we’ll help make it happen.

Enhance your corporate wellness program with chair massage. This convenient and quick service offers employees a way to relax and rejuvenate, providing significant benefits to their overall well-being during the workday.$50 for a 30-minute session, suitable for 1-3 participants

Experience the Benefits of Yoga

Join yoga classes in Jacksonville and experience the positive difference in physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

  1. Strength, Balance, and Flexibility: Slow, controlled movements, and deep breathing in yoga warm up your muscles, improve blood flow, and build strength. Holding poses strengthens and tones, while the focus on balance improves stability and coordination. 

  2. Back Pain Relief: Yoga poses target key muscle groups around the spine, improving flexibility and mobility. Studies show yoga can be as effective as basic stretching for easing chronic lower back pain. 

  3. Easing Arthritis Symptoms: Gentle yoga poses can help manage pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Research suggests it can improve joint mobility and reduce inflammation.

  4. Heart Health: Yoga's stress-reducing and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to a healthier heart. It may also help manage risk factors like high blood pressure and weight.

  5. Improved Sleep: Regular yoga practice can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. The combination of physical activity, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques creates a calming effect on the mind and body. 

  6. Enhanced Energy and Mood: Yoga's invigorating poses and mindful breathing can boost energy levels, improve alertness, and elevate mood. Regular practice can lead to reduced stress, anxiety, and negativity.

  7. Stress Management: Yoga is a powerful tool for managing stress. It promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and self-awareness, helping you cope with daily challenges more effectively.

  8. Supportive Community: Joining a yoga class can connect you with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and support. This can be especially beneficial for those struggling with loneliness or seeking community.

  9. Self-Care: Yoga encourages a holistic approach to self-care. It teaches you to listen to your body, respect its needs, and prioritize your well-being. This can lead to healthier habits and a more fulfilling life.

Ready to embark on your yoga journey?

Remember, yoga is a personal practice. Start slow, listen to your body, and choose poses that feel comfortable for you. With dedication and consistency, you'll unlock the transformative power of yoga and experience its many benefits firsthand. 

Get in touch with our dedicated instructors for yoga in Jacksonville, NC!

Effective Yoga Classes for All Levels in Jacksonville, NC

Advanced Wellness offers a diverse range of effective yoga classes, welcoming individuals of all levels, from complete beginners to seasoned practitioners.

Personalized Approach

Whether you're a curious newcomer or a seasoned yogi, our instructors cater to your individual needs and skill level. Expect modifications, clear instructions, and personalized guidance to ensure your safety and progress.

Variety of Styles

Explore different yoga styles to discover what resonates with you. We offer options for yoga in Jacksonville, NC:

  • Gentle Yoga: Perfect for beginners or those seeking relaxation and stress relief.

  • Hatha Yoga: Focuses on foundational postures and alignment, building strength and flexibility.

  • Vinyasa Yoga: Flowing sequences connect breath and movement, offering a dynamic practice.

  • Yin Yoga: Targets connective tissues and joints, promoting deeper relaxation and self-awareness.

  • Restorative Yoga: Supported postures allow for complete surrender and release.

Skilled & Certified Instructors

Our passionate instructors are experienced in various yoga styles and hold relevant certifications. They guide you with compassion, expertise, and a touch of humor. Learn yoga in Jacksonville, NC from the best.

Welcoming Community

Join our supportive environment where you'll feel encouraged and included, regardless of your background, experience level, or purpose for joining. Build a sense of community with other yoga enthusiasts.

Focus on Your Goals

Whether you're seeking stress relief, increased flexibility, improved strength, or deeper self-awareness, our classes can help you achieve your personal goals.

What to Expect in Our Yoga Classes in Jacksonville, NC

All our yoga classes are about 1 hour or more. We target every part of your body to ensure overall benefits. Our typical yoga session includes:

  • Warm-up & Grounding: We prepare your body and mind for practice with breathwork and gentle stretches.

  • Posture Instruction: Our yoga instructors give clear, concise instructions and modifications to cater to all levels.

  • Alignment Cues: We teach proper form to maximize benefits and prevent injury.

  • Breathing Techniques: Explore diverse breathing practices to calm the mind and deepen your connection to your body.

  • Relaxation & Savasana: End your practice with a guided relaxation to integrate the benefits and achieve deep peace.

What’s The Wait For? Book Your Yoga Session at The Most Competitive Prices Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The more they practice, the quicker they'll notice the benefits of yoga. We recommend practicing yoga at least 1 - 4 times per month.

  • Practicing yoga has numerous benefits for both the mind and body. One of the most well-known benefits is stress relief. Yoga helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, which can lead to a more peaceful and relaxed state. Additionally, regular yoga practice can increase flexibility, improve balance, and strengthen muscles. It can also improve overall physical health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Overall, practicing yoga can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

  • No! Yoga is a practice that can help you increase your flexibility over time. But you don't need to be flexible to start. At Advanced Wellness & Massage, our sessions for yoga in Jacksonville will help you become flexible.

  • Yes! While yoga is postures and movement it is also a work IN! We explore movement, space, and stillness in both our minds and body. Yoga is a low-impact form of exercise, it can still provide a great workout for your muscles and cardiovascular system.

  • No, yoga has no age bounds. Anyone from a 4-year-old child to 65 years + senior citizens can practice yoga as a healthy living habit. We design different yoga sessions for different age ranges to cater to their needs.

    Children and Teens: Designed for children and teens between the ages of 4 to 18, incorporating playful and interactive elements, helping improve flexibility, focus, and emotional well-being.

    Adults: Ranging from 18 to 65 and beyond, it focuses on gentle and therapeutic practices to more intense and advanced sessions, catering to various fitness levels and preferences.

    Seniors: Tailored for individuals aged 65 and older, we emphasize gentle movements, balance, flexibility, and joint health.

  • No, as of now, we only offer offline yoga classes in Jacksonville, NC. But, we are considering all the virtual yoga requests and will soon come up with online yoga in Jacksonville, NC.

  • Yes, absolutely. Yoga props are helpful tools that make your practice even better. Things like blocks, straps, blankets, and chairs are examples. These tools help you do poses more easily, give support for deeper stretches, and improve how you stand or sit. Using props also keeps you from getting hurt by letting you take things slow and safely. Basically, adding props to your yoga makes it more enjoyable and beneficial.